I just installed Source Filmmaker and i'm in the middle of the tutorials, it's going great actually so i decided i should submit my SFM test first , gonna try animating later on too.
In case you dont know what Source film maker is, it's a program which is used by the company Valve (the creators of Team Fortress 2, Counterstrike, Left 4 Dead, Half life, Portal and more) to make their animations with what the call the ''source engine'', basically i can make Team fortress 2 animations. For free.
EDIT: I've already uploaded my eighth SFM clip and soon i'll start a full movie or something but i'm still in need of improvement. In other words i'm keepin busy.
EDIT: Yeah i just started a somewhat serious project. Jamaican style.
EDIT: I started another serious project, the last one has been completed and submitted. I thought i would end up making it longer.