thanks mandog
Hi, I animate Madness Combat in Macromedia Flash 8, I sometimes draw in raster graphic programs like Gimp and Krita and I test out things in FL Studio. I've gone by a few past aliases/accounts: Edge0wnz, GrudgyGrunt, Delawares and currently Stagnate.
Age 27, Male
Joined on 5/21/11
thanks mandog
How is this exotic?
and stings like a butterfly
thiS iz sO exOtic!!!1
Your face is exotic.
what you making?
TF2 animations.
like some of that funny parodies of can use some of HL2 too? well i think you must to use other games caracters...gmode?
HL2 Models and sound clips are also in SFM. They're about to add the surviving characters of Left 4 Dead too.
Randomes's....very esotic =_O"
Esotic? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that specific word.