Hi, I animate Madness Combat in Macromedia Flash 8, I sometimes draw in raster graphic programs like Gimp and Krita and I test out things in FL Studio. I've gone by a few past aliases/accounts: Edge0wnz, GrudgyGrunt, Delawares and currently Stagnate.

Age 26, Male



Joined on 5/21/11

Exp Points:
32 / 50
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> 100,000
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2.33 votes
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1m 1d

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So Madness Combat 11 has been released and that was pretty amazing! The long wait doesn't matter when you know Krinkels makes it worthwile and always delivers.

I think there are plenty of amazing stuff to come from Krinkels and I'm really looking forward.

I have not worked very much on this short madness thing I'm planning to submit because of time constraint and I've wanted to do other stuff really. Since 4-5 months ago I've joined an education for construction with the direction to become a bricklayer and alot of things start feeling out of place to my life making it hard to get motivated to work on something if it doesn't suit me which means i have to twist and turn things into finally suiting me. This is probably nonsense and uneccessary to say but that's the closest to an explanation I have.

I have worked on other things though that I thought I'd share for whoever's interested, for one I had a short short animation planned with a song from burggg ( https://burggg.newgrounds.com/ ) but I just ended up never being pleased with it, here's the only completed scene. 

https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f5f0904d042c5188294cd5b2038d272f You could basically sum it up as a random collab part, hell if anyone's looking for a short part for a collab we can hash it out.

I have also started with more traditional animation in Krita where i'm able to animate in raster graphics instead of vector which flash uses and it just opens up a ton more possibilities, I would start lagging so much as soon as i reached 15% completion on whatever fbf piece I was working on in flash because of  the vector but with this I can spend as much time as i want on a single frame as I want with no lag, here's a gif from a test I'm working on. 3766755_154712984823_Foot6.gif

As for when I'm in this school for construction I tend to draw on lunch breaks and test things. I started on this a few weeks ago sorry for the low quality on the phone.3766755_154713053213_.pngOther than that I've been planning on starting with wood carving and engraving, but I don't think that's something for here. For Newgrounds specifically I will in the future be making animations that will be submitted here, first this madness one and then I will move onto full fledged traditional fbf animation with features from older animations and their story and plot will be just about anything I'm interested in making and I have very many ideas of things to make in the future. But somehow I feel as if it's not suitable for this account, I don't know. I will always be making things but they will not be the same as I've made before here or that of the things I'm 'known' for having made so I'm not sure how that will pan out.

That's all I have to say I think, a little more than needed but then again I'm not great at making posts. Happy new year and good luck on this year.



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