I am bored.
Hi, I animate Madness Combat in Macromedia Flash 8, I sometimes draw in raster graphic programs like Gimp and Krita and I test out things in FL Studio. I've gone by a few past aliases/accounts: Edge0wnz, GrudgyGrunt, Delawares and currently Stagnate.
Age 27, Male
Joined on 5/21/11
I am bored.
I AM bored.
i thought you hated stick shit
I never said i did, but now that i have improved in animation, both Art and Symbols i thought i'd give it a try.
Something weird is going on in the world we live in. Do not ignore this message im trying to send out. Please view.
<a href="http://hatersnightmare.newgrounds.com/news/post/728225">http://hatersnightmare.newgrounds.com/news/pos t/728225</a>
I luv horses.
Cap and radio - Is that Deimos?
I love your incapability to read a simple post easily explaining what this screenshot consists of.
I love how you cant get a joke.. lol
I love how you cant tell a joke.
Joke on swedish: Det var en norsk som gick på vägen. Han träffade en gammal gubbe som hade massor av brudar. Norsken frågade hur han fick dom brudarna. Gubben sa: Stoppa en stor potatis i kalsongerna. Norsken gjorde det... Men han fick inga brudar. Han frågade gamla gubben varför..Gubben sa: Ojdå...Jag glömde säga att du ska ha framför skrevet...Inte där bak.
everyone is bored