Hi, I animate Madness Combat in Macromedia Flash 8, I sometimes draw in raster graphic programs like Gimp and Krita and I test out things in FL Studio. I've gone by a few past aliases/accounts: Edge0wnz, GrudgyGrunt, Delawares and currently Stagnate.

Age 27, Male



Joined on 5/21/11

Exp Points:
32 / 50
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
2.33 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d


i only know how to make strategy games ;/

What genre of game?

How does it feel to be the blackest person to ever live?

Feels great.

I am polish i am not canadian, and also fuck you, sweden is gay, i saw what you wrote over skype. Fuck you.

That's even worse lol, and why is sweden gay? cuz we have a stable and fine economy, nice environment, most people have a nice home and jobs? And i wasn't even on skype you retard i was talking to sirpeanuts when he seems to somewhat have ratted me out. So stop nerd raging about stuff that doesnt make sense, just like when you stole mine and dimbs ionizing sprites then you traced them and then you overreacted and quit madness just cuz you got sad. So why dont you fuck off you pathetic shit.

you are just a sad little boy that thinks that madness and the internet will get him somewhere.

You know, it's like you're talking to a mirror. Madness have taken me somewhere, i know how to animate, to draw and i'm the most talanted kid in my entire school, not only am i third best madness animator on newgrounds but i've already gotten started on 3D animation due to madness, also started with fbf and much more, so you have no idea how helpful madness is, even hiii111 has started his very own cartoon show cuz of madness, so dont try to drag madness into this cuz the only one it hasnt been helpful is you cuz you cant even do shit in it without making it look gay.

So you are the nerd of the school that gets beat up?

Lol, being good at drawing and animating doesnt have anything to do with being the nerd, but also my sister has alot of contacts, guys that are at age 15-26 that would beat you up no matter what so no one in my class or any messed with me ever.

lol you sound like a pussy now

How does that make me sound like a pussy?

the third best on newgrouinds? hmmm...krinkels, delamortes and...you?

If you guys don't like each other, that doesn't mean you have to hate the countries you live in. MMMmmMM?

CĀ“mon, send your part to xxblinx, so that he can release Lethiferous 2

Just release it already, gonna take a while until i'm going to transfer the files to My new comp.

funny :D

im bester then you!1 on animatoin and drawing!

Wow you're funny.

Two little things I noticed about you:

1: You had to make a brand new post just to say nevermind, when you could've just edited the post you had before. You're acting like you're smarter than me, but you can't even simply EDIT your posts.

2: Third best animator? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! You, the person who said quite awhile ago that he has alot to learn, are declaring that you're the third best madness animator?! Good god, you're no better than the people that you hate! All you did is:

A few tests
Some collab parts
A trailer
and A madness day video.

Krinkels does full animations, and so does Gabriel and everyone else! If you actually think you're the third best of all of them, you're VERY mistaken. Once you successfully get a life and learn to accept what is shown before you, maybe then you'll also fix all of your mental disorders.

-Your victim of hatred, Powerdude964.

First of all read the top comments you retard, i first wrote that i was looking for a programmer but then i edited the post. Plus i never said i was smarter than you.

And yeah i am, i am the third best MADNESS ANIMATER, not coder or Frame by Frame animator.
As i see the list goes like this: Krinkels, Delamortes, GrudgyGrunt, Alpha Nuva and so on.

And my animation shouldn't be judged by how many things i have done you dumbass, maby you should also check out my 3 accounts i had before you fucking retard.

And krinkels is the one who MADE madness, ofcourse he animates better and gabriel? Seriously? we went over this and gabriel is just a fucking nobody who animates himself with fucking inhumane powers and for FUCKS sake, he fucking tweens so why dont you fuckign download flash and see how you fucking tween, me i move an object then press f6 then moves it and then f6 and so on for like 400 times, gabriel just makes one frame then another frame liek 20 frames later so he is fucking lasy and terrible at animation, he has no talents so he has to tween which is like GoAnimate.

And that's how you were incorrect in about everything you typed so will you just fuckign shut up cuz nothing you say makes sense.

You think you are the third best madness animator, ONLY YOU think so. And please stop thinking that you know everything, you are only 13-year old child, ok? Don't wanna quarel with you, just said what I wanted to say.

I AM the third best, i'm better than alpha nuva and worse than delamortes and krinkels.

and for fucks sake why the fuck is everyone saying that i think i know anything? i havent said SHIT about that i know everything! so basically you're just fucking acting like a fucking jackass, since all i said was that gabriel barf is tweening, which is the worst way to animate, especially characters.

So will you fucking stop taking this up, and what does me being 13 have to do with fucking anything?