Nice test, you should color him :P
Hi, I animate Madness Combat in Macromedia Flash 8, I sometimes draw in raster graphic programs like Gimp and Krita and I test out things in FL Studio. I've gone by a few past aliases/accounts: Edge0wnz, GrudgyGrunt, Delawares and currently Stagnate.
Age 27, Male
Joined on 5/21/11
Nice test, you should color him :P
Why, not like it would look better.
I find that test hilarious for some reason :/
Cuz the the leg looks fucked up, i didn't say i worked on it.
Maby its the Hail Hitler in the end.
I think It's because of the way he leaves his right arm up after putting his left arm across, it makes him look like he's dancing :P Awesome though and smooth though.
fucking love the game test awesome
Nice game test :D.
nice tests
lol how you can does this game?
and you makin a game?
I like the screenie.
Fine, here's your cake.
But i want you to know, that the cake is a lie.
Awesome tests.
Like the MC10 tribute.
Oooh this is so bad <:C